A Community Supported Program

Visual Support
Support a community by sponsoring

Sponsor a custom wrapped, wheelchair accessible shuttle in your brand or product and receive thousands of miles of views and a higher CSR rating.

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Create a positive impression within the community

Showcase your brand or product by sponsoring a wheelchair accessible van/shuttle bus through World of Hands Transportation and help thousands of veterans, elderly and disabled with responsible safe and reliable transportation to a healthier tomorrow.

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Supported by donations, grants, gifts, and fundraising.

We seek invitations to grants to support this service for the targeted community.

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The service we provide at yellow jaqette

With responsability comes dedication, WORLD OF HANDS drivers and staff believes in safety first. Let us create an evening of wine and dine or brewery hopping for you and your love ones. Our services will book your stay at a lovely hotel of our choosings, an evenin…

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World of Hands transportation expands anywhere in the United States of America, lets spread the support together.

World of Hands transportation believes in positive community support, expansion and resposible safe driving.